Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Will the Church live?

Generation X and the Millennials are not joining churches.

Churches are getting older and in danger of existinction.

people sleep, play gold, exercise, vacation, or get pamphered on sundays instead of service. Has the church lost its groove?

What is the solution to this problem

Your thoughts please


  1. I think this issue is GIANT! I think the church has lost its relevance. I don't think the church as a whole is speaking a language that is best received by GenX-ers and Millennials, and I think those few churches that are speaking their language are thin on theology.

    Where is the church that really offers deep spiritual teachings in a contemporary language? We know that GenX-ers and Millennials are seeking that kind of spirituality. It's just that they don't feel like they find it at the church.

    This is a great question, and churches that aren't asking themselves this same thing are way behind.

  2. Have a dialogue with the youth that aren't involved strongly in church or at all and ask them what they like and dislike about church.

    Ask them how they want to engage it, what style of dialogue or teaching. I'm not saying to cater to them completely, but talk and see what comes of it.

  3. GenX/Millenials don't go to church because we have told them that God stopped speaking 1,900 years ago.

    Until we realize that God still gives fresh anointings and new revelation, we will not be able to spread the Good News to the younger generations.

  4. Bob - I don't know where the church is that speaks in a contemporary message. I am unsure if that will help. I have not lost hope but the church must realize that we are dealing with a unique generation. We can not go on living and teaching the way with have.

    There has to be a way to make the messages of our fathers and mothers more relevant to these young people.

    It may begin by going out to them and getting to know them right where they are

  5. Mike - great comment but it is not just the youth that I am speaking of. I am talking about the gen x people to. These people are my age and a little older. the stats say they are not coming to church either.

    What say you?

  6. Pastor Cager - We both know know that God never stopped speaking. The truth is that God is still speaking today.

    Could it possibly be that God has a new anointing for those who are willing to go to where the people are.

    Is it easier to invite someone to church or take church to someone? Is it easier to invite someone to hear a message or take the message to them?

    What say you Reverend

  7. This was an interesting article with good, relevant points that are sadly true. If church folk took this information seriously some exciting things could happen.

    Charles, I think churches need to do both, invite in and minister beyond their doorsteps.

  8. Bishop Dorsey - Where was Jesus' cathedral? He didn't set up a service at the Nazareth Community Center and tell folks to come. Instead, he went out to the highways and hedges and preached to folk where they were.

    Churches have doors - physical and metaphorical - that are all too often closedto the people that Christ would've sat on the front row.

  9. Relevance. Personal and social meaning. NOT VAIN TRADITION.
